mINI the MICHEAL BLOOMBERG BUS for the blind leaves at 9 a.m. forget my spelling abilities. I spelled out my PHONE NUNBER TO YOU REAL CLEARLY. are you to stupid to dial out 10 digits? they even teach that at the elders school. or are you just AFRAID? I 'LL SAY AFRAID B/C YOU HAVE AS MUCH NERVE AS DOZENS OF WT ELDERS I HAVE MADE DOPES OUT OF AND YOU JUST DON'T WANTED TO ADDED TO THE LIST. 1000'S of x jw's read this board, i'll stand behind my record dealing with jw's any day. your the little girl here , you opened your 3rd grade wt trained mouth with me. that crap may have worked for you at the KINGDUM HALL and here with lots of faDERS THAT THINK YOU KNOW $H!T FROM SHINOLA. and your some kind if x jw GOD. i see you for what you are. a one line poster. you want to play . I PM'ED YOU MY PHONE NUMBER. call it. oR just cry like any other JW CRYBABY that don't have the nerve to deal wih me. and next time you call me names i will refer to your CRYBABY STANCE. OF NOT STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE. and trust me i will not forget... john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Were The Sisters Submissives or "Jezebels" In Your Hall?
by minimus inin my experiences, i saw many women that really took a back seat to anything a "brother" had to say.
i was always amazed as to how some sisters were sooooooooooooo submissive!
they really stood out from the "jezebel" types.. if you were a "sister", how were you treated and how did you respond?.
Were The Sisters Submissives or "Jezebels" In Your Hall?
by minimus inin my experiences, i saw many women that really took a back seat to anything a "brother" had to say.
i was always amazed as to how some sisters were sooooooooooooo submissive!
they really stood out from the "jezebel" types.. if you were a "sister", how were you treated and how did you respond?.
johnny cip
minimus; another one of your intelligence of a BOWLING BALL questions. Where do you come up with this crap? the 3rd. grade elder school? You are the COMIC x jw on this board. I'm just memorized with your did you ever think of going for a brain scan? I know Mike Bloomberg has a school bus to pick up delusional attention getters like you. and take them to the funny farm from 9-5. I would gladly pay EXTRA TAXES to you presidental hopeful to see you finally earn your keep. MINIMUS THERAPY WITH GREAT MEDICATION IS ONLY A PHONE CALL AWAY. maybe Mike Bloomberg can make you a poster boy on the back of NYC BUSES. SO all people in NYC , WHAT A DOPE THE WT MAKES OUT OF SOME X JW. now that would be a treat. john mini you talk about a JEZABEL? LOOK IN THE MIRROR... your a JEZABEL FOR ATTENTION. MEDICATION WILL HELP THAT. JOHN
Who Would You Like To See As The Next President Of The USA?
by minimus ineven if they aren't running, who would you like to see as the next president?
johnny cip
MINImus come and live in new york. MIKe Bloomberg is an ASSHOLE. If you like a new TAX every month MIKE BLOOMBERG IS YOUR MAN. but you need THERAPY to post about a man you know nothing about. to be president. now i know why you have 20,000 post . I've been reading some of your posts. and you just sit at your desk at work and scam your employer. with your stupid one line answers. SHARP AS A BOWLING BALL MINI. HA... Make me laugh some more b/c your so smart. john
Public Talks To Be Discontinued!!! (NOT! - see page 8)
by minimus inafter the sunday culttower study is over, everyone will be expected to preach because the end is soooooooo close!.
[minimus i have added to the title so people can read yor correction.
otherwise i think people might just miss it.
johnny cip
Minimus . i sure you heard wrong. or you just didn't understand what you mom was saying. just like you couldn't undderstand my posts to you. I think you need to see a DOCTOR AND GET THERAPY. Either your just a warped attention getter or your completely nut's . iF i WAS YOU i'DE GET OUT THE YELLOW PAGES, AND LOOK FOR THE NEAREST NUT HOUSE . and you need medication. lots of it... john p.s. still posting from your job stealing your employers time? john mini your about as SHARP AS A BOWLING BALL. ROFL
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
I PM"Ed MINImus and I will see what kind of an apostate he really is? is he for real or just and other PHONEY? WE WILL SEE MINIMUS' REAL ChARACTER? is he for real or just another bullcrap scared of his own wt shadow x 5th grade schooled wt elder. I'll bet now he dosen't have the nerve to take me up. and if he doesn't i will not let his ass live it down. I EXPOSE PHONEYS. THAT'S WHY I'M THE WT EXPOSER. JOHN PS mINIMUS the only way you will win with me. is calling me on the phone . and proving your self to me. not to the board. because i think your a crybaby x elder, based on your no HONEST RESPONCES to me to show your mettle. just like any head in his hands jw i 've run into .your no different. you just run a good line of shit while your at work screwing your employer out of TIME ( sounds familiar). I had a feeling a few years back reading yout posts your just a wacked out x jw that never had any sense. other posters here told me years ago your a nut job. but I never listened. I figured your posts helped many. but i've come to see your nothing more than some controling jackass local elder. your shit may fly with your fading wt flock here . but I finished 5 grade 40 years ago. your logic makes me laugh. just like some asshole elder telling me the end was comingh in 1975. I laughed at them then and I laugh at you now now . your no different take that to the bank. minimus let me know when you want to get down to calling some kingdum halls . i really want to see what you are made of...... john
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
Minimus; you talk a lot of bull$hit . who the hell did you help out of the wt? same number that i can prove 0. how you doing with your jw mom? lying to her just to talk to her? some man of convection? I play no games with my 73year old dad. I'm no crybaby apostate i lay it all on the table . I went to jail for simply standing up to my jw dad's religion,while i was invited over for dinner. like i asked to go to jail? NO I'M NO PUSSY DAD WANTED TO CALL THE POLICE ON ME BECAUSE I STANDED UP TO HIS CRAP. AGAIN I'M NOT LIKE YOU. I GOT BALLS. AND GOT OUT ON RELIGOUS FREEDOM. I DIDN'T RUN OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR SAFETY. I WAITED FOR THE COPS. I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. laST month i caught my dad wt preaching at the train station. I parked my car and got out with my bible and standed next to him. and told every one of hundreds of passerbyers. the wt is a false religion. he called to cops again. and i just standed there reading the gospel. HE cryed to the police , but it didn't work. i turned the tables on him. why because I have balls. the cops left saying i have the same right to preach on the corner that he does. in fact the cops were laughing at him. WHY DID I DO THIS JUST TO PROVE A POINT. that jw's can't just call the police and their are the only ones that can preach... but a crybaby like you MINIMUS WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW TO STAND UP TO HARD NOSE JW FAMILY and put them in there place. BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO BALLS AND ARE A WISHY-WASHY APOSTATE, THATS WHY YOUR LOCAL ELDERS AND JW SHIT ALL OVER YOU... you have no balls and you are just what the wts wants. shit-ass x elder that are scared of ther own shadow. AND HIDE ON JWD like they are some big shits.,.. john
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
No mini I'm not allways right. EXCEPT WHEN I'M TALKING TO A JW. then I'M ALLWAYS RIGHT!!!!!!!! you know how confident jw's are in field service.. or do you? it's taken me many years argueing with the best wt assholes jw's could find to shoot me down. and long before i came on this JWD SITE i lost many arguements with jw's. I honed my skills the hard way long before I even knew how to work a computer. I sat in KH LIBRARYS, public libraries for months on end. reading any old wt shit i could find. to enhance my arguements with elders that taught me the end was coming in 1975. and I learned much more about wt history, than any jw i ever met had any idea about. You keep talking about THERAPY, like to say what? i'm some jerk. or mentally un balanced?. that's right i confront jw's in the street work. and in the last 10 year i win 99% of the time . and i leave them BEFUDDLED. while you have been asking 22,000 stupid questions on this board. I'm sure I have talked to at least 22,000 or more jw's in the streets. you ministry is limited to jwd. my seed planting goes straight into the streets. I am an ARTIST , I KNOW HOW TO BREAK A JW'S CONFENDENCE ANY JW. ONCE YOU BREAK THEIR CONFENDENCE in what they have been taught from the wt. you have won. the seed has been planted. ask SK SKALLY and others here, i used to give free lessons "live" how to shut up any jw. but your not of that fold. your just some x elder who got his best education from the wt elder school. i'm not empressed. I've made dopes out of a lot smarted jw's than you. your just an elder or leader on this board in your own mind, just like any dumbfounded jw I meet on the street that think they know it all. THERAPHY MY ASS. john
Mr. Flipper witnesses to Elder in Front of Store on Child Abuse Settlements
by flipper inhello folks .
as other posters have mentioned , i feel , too , that this is something that needs to be kept in the forefront of practicing jehovah's witnesses minds , as they will never hear about these settlements from their elders or governing body.
so , you folks know me well enough that i don't have a shy bone in my body , and if i see an opportunity i will take it.
johnny cip
Mr . FLIPPER; excellent work I couldn't have done better myself. I know how good you feel, and i like your nerve. it was easy right... happy hunting john
Does Gilead have any accreditation?
by journey-on inwhen a witness talks about someone who has "graduated" from gilead, they always make it sound like such an accomplishment as if they graduated from harvard or
i know it's called the watchtower bible school of gilead and is located at the watchtower educational center in patterson, ny (sounds impressive, uh?)..
it used to be known as the watchtower bible college of gilead in south lansing, ny.. does this school have any accreditation that you know of or is it just glorified classroom training for jw "missionaries"?
johnny cip
a little off topic. but years ago when i was in full swing heavily debating every elder they could find. a few times they brought in some bethelites, most of them were older not kids. at least once maybe more . they were bragging about this guy from gilead and how he would set me straight. in less than an hour I had him and some other bethelite elder admitting to false prophecies of 1874, 1914 and 1925. all while 4 local elders sat there and watched their hero's from bethel get their CLOCKS CLEANED. THEY promised to come back next week and have another go with me. when i got to the hall next week , they wouldn't even let me in . even tho i was invited. so much for their gilead school, they didn't know crap... john
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus inthat's my suggestion.
i wouldn't trust most anybody.
johnny cip
No Apologies; I don't mean to be rude. but I allways make jw's walk away SHAMED, with their heads down, it's an art, after they talk with me they know they lost. NO IF'S AND'S OR BUTT'S. I make sure of it. never under estimate me. it's up to me how long i let any jw last with me. argueing with jw's is easier than taking candy from a baby. john